Speaking during a recent appearance on ‘The Pivot’ podcast, Seth Rollins discussed how the split of The Shield changed the pro wrestling industry forever.
“To me, that was an extremely important moment in our industry. We did that in 2014, business was not great. We were not doing great. Television ratings were [going down] as television was going to streaming. Live events not doing good. Talent roster is not doing great.
We come in 2012 and want to make a huge impact. We do great as The Shield. It’s three guys in one act. You got to have three acts. We break The Shield up. That’s a huge moment. That moment took all three of us in separate trajectories that have now…the butterfly effect of that moment has changed and catapulted the business ten years later to a place, financially, it’s as big as it’s ever been.
We’re doing things in our industry that, I don’t think, if we take that moment away and keep The Shield together longer or doing something differently and we don’t have that moment, the butterfly effect isn’t the same and I don’t know that the business, where it’s at with myself, Roman, Jon, and the business as a whole is where it is today without that moment.”
H/T: Fightful for the above transcription.