Speaking on Gabby AF, ROH World Champion Chris Jericho discussed his advice to young stars dealing with online criticism.
“I think that people have those types of opinions, but I know what’s real and what’s not real. I really can’t worry about that. People that hate you are gonna hate you, no matter what you do. They’re not even watching what I’m doing. They’re just like, ‘Ah, we hate this guy.’ I can’t worry about that. All I worry about is the fan base that I have, which is massive, and bringing in new fans. People that hate you, there’s nothing you can do, whatever. That to me is the biggest thing, I just don’t worry about it. That is probably the best advice I could give to anybody in wrestling or show business or anything where you’re gonna put yourself out there.
Be prepared to have everybody bury you with their opinions. But don’t listen to that. People that have that attitude would never try things on their own, and probably failed in their lives, so they want to try and take it out on you. So I don’t ever give much merit to that. If I felt that way, then I would do something about it. But if I feel opposite, I know what I feel, I know what’s good and what’s bad, way more than any fan does. It’s an opinion, but I know, I’ve been doing this for 34 years all over the world. I know what I’m doing, I know if it’s good and I know if it’s bad. So I don’t need anybody to tell me that. I never did.’
H/T to Fightful for the transcription. Thanks for checking out this article. Make sure to follow Jeff Jarrett and all things GFE on Facebook.