Speaking on the My World with Jeff Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett discussed a wide range of topics.
During it, Jarrett discussed criticism of his wanting to go after the AEW World Title.
“I have learned through the years, and I have learned through the years, I love it. I love the chatter, I love the journalists, I love the reporters. As long as you’re talking about it, it’s all positive. A lot of people may disagree with that, and this and that, the narrative, and it goes on and on. But I just chuckle. I could not help but think, one of my mind of favorite chuckles through the whole thing, and this is the one thing, look, they’re gonna learn when they want to learn or they won’t learn, but hey, he’s talking about, and that he is Jeff, so Jeff is talking about a belt that he will never, ever win. That’s in their mindset. So if we’re going to take that on kind of face value, I go back to the car rides early in my career to really kind of pick the brains of not just my father, but Lawler and Dundee and one night and Wahoo McDaniel was in the car, Tommy Rich back in the day, I could go through a laundry list of guys that came in, Savage was a part of those car rides, and he would kind of tell stories, but the core was, and I would always kind of lean into how my father in a lot of ways built the territory, which was super successful, but he built the territory with a red-hot unbelievable talent, heel or babyface. To me, I think Lawler, he’s up there for me in. I’ll call it territory wrestlers, Lawler’s entire success was built on the fact of quest for the gold. He was going, and he went out on Memphis TV and said. ‘I am gonna win the NWA Title, and I’m gonna win that title, and the way I’m gonna do it is get the Southern Title. Because if I’m not the Southern Title when we get a date on the World Heavyweight Champion’ blah, blah, blah. So the whole premise of his entire career for multiple years was built, and he knew he was never going to be world champion, it was going to be Funk or Brisco or Flair or Dusty, Lawler wasn’t in the conversation. He knew that was never going to happen. The entire premise of Saturday Morning, the highest-rated wrestling show from coast to coast on a territory basis was Memphis, and it was built on a belt that Lawler was never gonna win. How dare they. It’s just crazy, Conrad. It is so silly. But it’s fun. Let them keep chattering. It’s all good,” Jarrett said.
H/T to Fightful for the transcription. Thanks for checking out this article. Make sure to follow Jeff Jarrett and all things GFE on Facebook.