While speaking to TheOneMona in a new interview, Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes talked about John Cena’s WWE retirement tour.
“One thing that’s been on my mind, I think when he announced he was retiring, is a lot of guys jumped to the line of, I want to wrestle John. A lot of guys jumped to the, ‘I want to do something with John.’ I’m probably the one who didn’t hold his hand up and that’s simply because John is everything to me and and there’s been so many guys I’m a product of who i took a little something from. The most that I’ve taken from anybody ever would be from John, and that was from driving those few years of them seeing how he did his interactions with fans, how he would do main events, to see how he did the quarterback , the leader all those things. So when i hear this is it, It’s still not fully for me. I don’t love this is it and I know it is. I know he means it when he says it. But I want to watch like a fan. I almost dread the idea of what that would look like. Because when you’re up against John now, you’re tasked to beat John Cena in his final run and that’s why I’m not raising my hand to be in that spot.”
H/T to Fightful for the transcription. Thanks for checking out this article. Make sure to follow Jeff Jarrett and all things GFE on Facebook.