Triple H spoke about his WWE Hall of Fame induction following the Royal Rumble.
“We do these Town Halls to inform and make sure everybody is on the same page with our employees at the office and everything else. Nick and I have talked about the Hall of Fame many times. He would always bring up the fact, ‘When are we going to put you in?’ I would say, ‘Not now because no matter how I do it, it looks like I’m putting myself in the Hall of Fame and I’m not going to do that.’ He would say, ‘We have to do it eventually.’ I would say, ‘If we have to do it eventually, let’s wait three, four, five years and we’ll talk about it.’ He said, ‘Okay.’ We had an entirely different plan for Hall of Fame. We got to the end of the Town Hall and Shawn’s music hit. I thought, honestly, being lazy, I didn’t read the end of the Town Hall runsheet and there was more after the Q&A that I didn’t see and Shawn was going to come out and talk about the new show LFG. I was confused enough when Shawn came out. When Taker came out, it doubled. Then I saw Nick walk to the other side of the room, and that’s when I realized that it was somehow going to affect me. I wasn’t sure positively, negatively, or humorously; I wasn’t sure what was going to happen until Taker said WrestleMania. I’ll be honest. We did it with DX. It was a lot of fun. It’s different when it’s you. While I’ve been part of these and I’ve seen some talent see it as the biggest honor and other talent be like like ‘whatever.’ For the most part, our talent see it as the ultimate pay of respect to you and your career. I’ve had the honor of calling a lot of people to tell them, ‘We’re going to induct you into the Hall of Fame’ or be there in person to say to them ‘we’re going to induct you into the Hall of Fame,’ and watch them cry and get emotional because of our passion for what we do. It hit me way harder than I thought it would. When we left there, it was a oddly comical and surreal moment. Taker and Shawn were there. We went to a meeting and as it slowly started to dawn on me, ‘here we go.’ The same moment that I watched everybody else have, that emotional all flooding over you over your career, the people you’ve worked with, what it meant to you, the fans you’ve met around the world, the moments you’ve been able to create and share. Fortunately for me, I’m not out of the business. I’m at the almost more enjoyable point in my life of being able to watch all these guys do it now and help them get there and put it all together. It was emotional. I’m excited for it. I wish it wasn’t at WrestleMania so I could focus on it more, but it’s one of the most meaningful things of my career and to have it come from Shawn and Taker, the two guys in the business that I probably respect more than anybody, and to have it set up from Nick, which on one hand is mildly irritating because he fooled me, but in business, for me outside of the in-ring, there is nobody I respect more than him. He is my partner in all this. Him doing that for me is incredibly meaningful.”
H/T to Fightful for the transcription. Thanks for checking out this article. Make sure to follow Jeff Jarrett and all things GFE on Facebook.