Speaking on Stories With Brisco And Bradshaw, Matt Riddle was asked whether he wanted to return to WWE one day.
“I would love to go back to WWE one day eventually, maybe soon. But the thing is, whatever they want. It’s not up to me, that’s their decision. If it was up to me, I would have been there yesterday. I never would have left. But it’s up to them, that’s their decision to make, and I respect whatever decision they make. Until then, I’m going to win every championship possible, I’m going to wrestle everywhere under the sun, in every country. I know I’m gonna be in Australia, Europe. Just in the next couple months, I’m gonna probably go to eight different countries, wrestle 20-30 different places, and do my thing. Sometimes, it gets to be a lot, but at the end of the day…Edge said to me once, ‘Motion is lotion,’ and I also believe if I stay still too long, I get stagnant, I get lazy, I get tired. I kind of need to keep myself moving, kind of like a shark. I need to keep swimming, or I’m just gonna die. Not literally, metaphorically. But I think I just gotta keep moving, keep hustling, keep working hard, keep doing the right thing, and that’s all I can really do,” Riddle said.
“Even before I got to WWE, I was working really hard, and people [would] go, ‘If you never get to WWE, will you be sad?’ I’m like, no. Then they go, ‘Why?’ I go, because I feel like even now, even after WWE, I feel like I’m a cult classic. I’m not everybody’s taste, their cup of tea. But when I am, I’m definitely your cup of tea, you definitely want to see me. I’m like a B-rate horror movie people love, like ‘Evil Dead’ or ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’. I’m not mainstream all the time, but I touch mainstream, and I have a following that will follow me, probably for a long, long time,” Riddle said.
H/T to Fightful for the transcription. Thanks for checking out this article. Make sure to follow Jeff Jarrett and all things GFE on Facebook.