Whether you believe it or not, Scott Steiner claims he never failed a drug test.
Steiner has been accused of this for years, but some think that’s not the case after having a jacked physique for years. He spoke about this in a recent A&E Biography: WWE Legends episode.
“You can make all the accusations you want. I’ve never failed a drug test. Take that information and do what you want with it. When I made the transition from Steiner Brothers to Big Poppa Pump, I wanted to get in the best shape I possibly could. A lot of strict diet. Once you are leaner, you’re naturally going to look bigger.”
Steiner previously told Slam Sports, “I’ve never failed a drug test in my life. When WWE told me to take one, I told them to have Triple H pick me up in a limo. We could go test together. (laughs) They never asked again!”