DDP recently did an interview with Bleacher Report, where he discussed a wide range of topics.
During the interview, DDP talked about making AEW appearances after his 2017 WWE Hall of Fame induction.
“I got taken out of that game because I helped some guy, I can’t remember his name. He would go on to become this really big star. Oh, he’s on the cover of 2K24! I helped Cody when he left there. … He has everything to do with what’s happening in professional wrestling at this time. Now that he’s back and he’s on top of the world and he’s on the cover of the game, 2K24, his dad [Dusty Rhodes] came in, he hadn’t been in a game in four years, and Diamond Dallas Page is back where he belongs, back with the WWE family.”
“I’m proud to be working with them again. I never wanted to go anywhere the first time, but I had to help the kid whose father helped me. Without Dusty Rhodes there is no Diamond Dallas Page. I had to help that young man who was on his own vision quest. He didn’t ask for my help, I just came to him and said, ‘Hey, let us start filming you. Let’s start doing stuff. Costs you nothing. Let us just start documenting your journey here.’ And where did it end up? Right back in the WWE, bigger than ever, on the cover of 2K24. You can’t make this stuff up.”