The crossover between AEW and Impact Wrestling happened in 2021, but it couldn’t have happened without Don Callis, according to former Impact President Scott D’Amore.
On a recent edition of the “Talk Is Jericho” podcast, D’Amore discussed the relationship.
“The idea was to do something with Don and Kenny. Kenny was getting ready to turn heel. Don has always been underrated for his ability to generate true heat. You know that, I know that, Dr. Luther knows that, and others that have been around. I just think that’s been a forgotten thing in wrestling. And the idea was for Don to come in and be part of that.
“The discussions that I were part of is Kenny is so freaking good, how is he going to be booed? Because as Dutch Mantell would say, ‘You rub him up against that Don Callis, he’s going to have some heat.’ So there’s that. And that led into having Kenny crossover and come to Impact, win the [Impact World Championship], and have The Good Brothers go over there [to AEW].”
H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcription