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Lucky Horseshoes Baseball

Happy Gilmore Tribute Night with Shooter McGavin

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil.

The Springfield Lucky Horseshoes are welcoming actor Christopher McDonald, known for his role of Shooter McGavin in the Hollywood Classic movie Happy Gilmore, to Robin Roberts Stadium on Saturday, July 20th for the ‘Shoes game that evening.

Fans will have the opportunity to meet, take photos, and shoot finger guns with Shooter McGavin in a special, exclusive pre-game meet-and-greet session.

Chief Storyteller Jamie Toole is excited to add another A-List name to the lineup of special guests coming to a Lucky Horseshoes Game this Summer.

“Shooter McGavin is one of the most iconic movie characters ever, and we can’t wait for him to be in Springfield and meet all our fans. We’ve got some fun promotions planned while Shooter is with us that we think everyone is going to enjoy!

Throughout the game, Happy Gilmore Tribute Night will be celebrated with giveaways, movie clips, and more!

A Package that includes both a ticket to that night’s game and an exclusive meet-and-greet with McDonald, who will sign autographs and take photos, are available while supplies last at Tickets.ShoesBaseball.Com at a cost of $35.

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Lucky Horseshoes Baseball

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