Speaking with O’Shea Jackson Jr. and TJ Jefferson on the No-Contest Wrestling podcast (per Fightful), Mark Henry revealed he will be part of an upcoming Dark Side of the Ring episode.
The episode will be about the life and career of Tony Atlas. No other details were given about the upcoming episode.
“I just confirmed today that I’m doing the ending of the documentary on JYD [Junkyard Dog]. I’m gonna be talking about his life. I did ‘Dark Side of the Ring’ that’s coming out here pretty soon, and I never did ‘Dark Side of the Ring’ because I didn’t agree with ‘Dark Side of the Ring’ because I thought it was too much of an expose of the bad side of wrestling. But I told them, I said, ‘You know what, man, I can’t do it.’ They said, ‘Why?’ I was like, ‘Because of the way that I feel about it.’ I said if y’all ever put a silver lining on it and ended some of those things with the good of people, then I would do it. Especially the way y’all paint Black people. Y’all don’t paint Black people in a positive light on these shows. They said, ‘So if we allowed you to help produce it, you would do it?’ I said, ‘Yup.’ So I did Tony Atlas, and Tony Atlas is coming out soon. When you see ‘Dark Side of the Ring: Tony Atlas,’ man, that shit is awesome. It’s gonna be the best one. I’m not saying that because it’s me. I’m saying it because I told the truth. His life is tragic. Tony became who he became because he was not loved. His family threw him away….He just had talent. He just happened to be extremely talented, and he was able to succeed in spite of it. That’s the story that I talk about, the strength that he had to persevere and to be who he became, and how he failed. Yeah, he failed. But he got up. It’s a beautiful story,” Henry said.